
Thursday, 18 April 2013

Diary of a Banana 香蕉人的日记 a story for my little brother

In this world, there are many different languages spoken in different countries. So learning many languages is a good thing because you can communicate better with more people, make more friends. But usually people have a preferred language which is their mother tongue, so Chinese language (华语) is the preferred language for most Chinese people. Notice that I said the word “most”, so there are exceptions that prefer other languages. Well, I’m one of them. And it’s quite obvious that my preferred language is English. So yeah, 我承认我是一个香蕉人 (I admit that I’m a banana). Now you’re probably wondering why call myself a banana. We usually refer Chinese people to yellow skinned people and Westerners to white skinned people and a banana is yellow on the outside, white on the inside. So then when I admit myself  a香蕉人(banana person), I’m saying that I’m not really a Chinese at heart although I’m really a Chinese. You might think it is wrong ‘because one should be comfortable speaking his or her 母语 (mother tongue). I too feel the same way. In fact, it’s quite embarrassing when I admit that there’s no doubt my English is 10 times better than my Chinese and when I speak Chinese my pronunciations is not accurate.  

And how did I become a 香蕉人(banana)? No, I’m not staying in USA or Australia or UK. In fact, I’m staying in Malaysia. My parents are both 华人(Chinese) but because they speak different dialects of Chinese, my mum speaks 广东话(Cantonese) and my dad speaks 福建话(Hokkien) so the only language they know in common is English. Therefore, we speak English at home. So I kind of partly blame my parents for making me a 香蕉人(banana), wishing they know a common Chinese dialect. ,(Sigh)But that’s the way it is. So this diary is about my struggles and fun times being in a 华小  (Chinese primary school).

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