
Saturday, 20 April 2013

香蕉人的日记 Diary of a Banana 3rd Day

3rd Day
Dear Diary,

I now know how to write my Chinese name. It's kinda difficult and complicated to write. Why didn't 爷爷 give me an easier Chinese name to write? Well, I think I can never forget how to write my Chinese name because we are required to write our names on the top left hand side on the page for every exercise we copy down or any homework. Ah, yes... speaking of homework.. well, it's A LOT! I have like TONS! I have 4 pages of 笔顺(writing characters),2 pages of 生字(writing),3 pages of 数学(Maths),造句(making sentences), buku latihan bina ayat(making sentences in bahasa), and last but not least English. And oh yeah I forgot, 听写 that means spelling in Chinese. I wonder if I ever survived this school. I don't get Chinese language. They have same words, different pronunciations, different meanings which is called 多音多义字. They also have 形似字 which is almost the same words, but is actually different and has different meanings. And they have 同音字which is same words, different pronunciations, different meanings. This is only my 3rd day and I'm supposed to absorb all this information? Is mum trying to make life difficult for me? What in the world was she thinking sending me to a Chinese school 华小? I'll have to ask her. Well, at least English lesson was a breeze. We were learning pronouns like "us, we, he,she". Even a baby could do it. But I see some of my classmates struggling to understand it. I don't get it. They could master a difficult language like Chinese but a simple language like English they failed to grasp it.My classmates and I are total opposites.I feel more like an alien in school after the second day. Maybe I should ask Mum to transfer me to another school. The guy next to me, Brian makes things worse. He wanted to borrow my eraser so I kindly lend it to him. Instead of thanking me, he threw my eraser out of the window and laughed saying:"You fell for my trick". I got angry and kinda yelled at him. Well who wouldn't if they were me? To make matters worse, the teacher heard me yelling and walked towards our desks. I thought she was going to scold him. But instead, she yelled at me for raising my voice in class. Of course, at that moment I couldn't defend myself as I had no idea how to complain about Brian in Chinese. As teacher's fury rain upon me, I glared at Brian at the corner of my eye, and caught sight of him snickering. I'm not sure if I'll able to grasp Chinese by the end of school but there's one thing I positively definitely sure by then - Brian is going to pay.  

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